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175 Families Benefit From Poverty Alleviation Program in Odisha

8 March, 2014 175 Families Benefits From the Poverty Alleviation Program in Odisha

Believers Church Odisha Diocese held a poverty alleviation program on 8th March 2014. Overall 175 families were benefited from the program with gifts which included sewing machines, tin sheets, bicycles,

10 Families Benefit from Poverty Alleviation Program in Sikkim

24 February, 2014 Believers Church Sikkim conducts poverty alleviation program

Believers Church Sikkim conducted a poverty alleviation program on 24th February 2014. The program took place in a tea estate and a total of 10 families benefited from the program.

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Bishop Dr. Juria Bardhan Bishop Emmanuel Juribu Hope for Children International Womens Day Medical Camp Poverty Alleviation Social Welfare Vocational Training

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