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Slum Dwellers Thank Believers Church for Providing Them Access to Safe Drinking Water

30 March, 2016 Slum Dwellers Thank Believers Church for Providing Them Access to Safe Drinking Water

Believers Church Uttarakhand installed a new bore well in a slum on 30th March 2016. The women and children in this slum beg for money on the streets while the

20 Villages in Haryana Receive Access to Water on World Water Day

22 March, 2016 20 Villages in Haryana Receive Access to Water on World Water Day

Believers Church Haryana inaugurated 20 bore wells in different villages on World Water Day, 22nd March 2016. People in Haryana are going through a tough time due to a shortage

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Bishop B.Sunderraj Bishop Dr. Juria Bardhan Bore Well Clean Water Founder's Day Poverty Alleviation Sanitation Social Welfare World Water Day

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