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New Bore Well Dug in Maharashtra

July 13, 2013 Believers Church Mumbai

Believers Church Mumbai Diocese inaugurated a new bore well on the 13th of July. The village where the well was installed is a remote place and the villagers are farmers. They depended on rain water for cultivation and used to walk a long distance to fetch water for drinking or cooking. Sensing their difficulty and

Free Biriyani on World Food Day

October 16, 2012 Believers Church Mumbai Diocese

On 16th October 2012, Believers Church Mumbai Diocese Women’s Fellowship, Sisters of Compassion and Minor Seminary students gave away meals to the poor observing World Food Day. Early in the morning, they made 260 food packets. The team first visited an orphanage where they performed action songs and asked for God’s grace upon the children. Soon

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Bore Well Clean Water Global Hand Washing Day Hope for Children International Womens Day Medical Awareness Poverty Alleviation Sisters of the Cross Social Welfare Vitamin Distribution Womens Fellowship World AIDS Day World Food Day

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