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Chennai Diocese Holds AIDS Awareness Rally

December 1, 2013 Believers Church Chennai Diocese AIDS awareness rally

On 1st December, World AIDS Day, Believers Church Chennai Diocese organized an AIDS awareness rally. Local church members, Minor Seminary students, Bridge of Hope students and Sunday school children participated. The rally went through nearby villages holding placards of AIDS awareness slogans and distributing awareness pamphlets. Eight police officers came to them and expressed their

Healthcare Project Prompts Praise from City Health Officer

April 26, 2013 Believers Church Chennai Diocese.

From 22nd-25th April 2013, Believers Church Chennai Diocese organized a training seminar for 52 women who will be teaching community healthcare classes through Women’s Fellowship. The women learned about many topics, including premature marriage, pregnancy, childcare, nutrition, immunizations, hygiene and basic first aid. After formal teaching sessions, women would split into small groups to discuss

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Bishop Dr. Samuel Mathew Global Hand Washing Day Hope for Children International Womens Day Medical Awareness Minor Seminaries Poverty Alleviation Sisters of the Cross Social Welfare Sunday School Womens Fellowship World AIDS Day World Food Day Youth Camp

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