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Act of Sharing: Sisters of Compassion Trainees Distribute Delicious Lunch to Needy on Festive Occasion

August 30, 2023

In a heartening display of the spirit of giving that defines the festive season of Onam, the annual cultural and harvest festival of Kerala, the Sisters of Compassion trainees at St. Thomas Community undertook a remarkable initiative – to reach out to the poor with warm meals. The team prepared a sumptuous Onam lunch that

Nine Sisters Inducted into the Order of Sisters of Compassion

May 19, 2023

The commissioning and dedication of nine Sisters of Compassion were held in Believers Eastern Church Diocese of Lucknow on May 14 and 15, 2023, respectively. H.G. Thomas Mor Kurilos Episcopa, Diocesan Bishop, presided over both services. During the commissioning service that was held on May 14, the Episcopa prayed for the sisters and presented them

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International Literacy Day Sisters of the Cross Social Welfare Womens Fellowship

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