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Governor Inaugurates General Convention in Diocese of Odisha

29 October, 2014 Governor Inaugurates General Convention in Diocese of Odisha

Believers Church Diocese of Odisha conducted a general convention from 27th to 29th October 2014. Over 2,500 people attended this convention. Dr. Senayangba Chubatoshi Jamir (Governor of Odisha) inaugurated the

Widows Receive Food Packets and Provisions on International Widow’s Day

23 June, 2014 Widows Receives Provisions on International Women’s Day

Diocese of Kolkata distributed provisions and food packets to widows on International Widows Day, 23rd June 2014. Around 120 widows attended the program and received provisions on that day. Bishop

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Bishop Anil Kumar Debbarma Bishop B.Sunderraj Bishop Dr. Juria Bardhan Bishop Dr. Narayan Sharma Bishop Dr. Samuel Mathew Bishop Dr.Simon John Bishop Emmanuel Juribu Bishop Gopal Chhetri Bishop Thomas PS DORA Microfinance Gandhi Jayanti Hope for Children Independence Day International Widows Day Moran Mor Athanasius Yohan I Metropolitan Poverty Alleviation Sisters of the Cross Social Welfare Womens Fellowship World Food Day

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