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Social Welfare Work Conducted in Diocese of Gujarat on Independence Day

15 August, 2014 Social Welfare Work Conducted in the Diocese of Gujarat on Independence Day

The 68th Independence Day of India was celebrated in Believers Church Diocese of Gujarat on 15th of August. Dr. Ritesh Chauhan, a doctor from a local hospital, hoisted the flag

Metropolitan Dr. K.P. Yohannan Hoists Flag on 68th Independence Day of India

Metropolitan Dr. K. P. Yohannan Hoists Flag on 68th Independence Day of India

Metropolitan Dr. K.P. Yohannan hoisted the flag to celebrate India’s 68th Independence Day on the morning of 15th August 2014. The members of the St. Thomas Nagar community, including Believers

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Believers Church Theological Seminary Bishop Dr. Juria Bardhan Bishop Dr.Simon John Hope for Children Independence Day Minor Seminaries Moran Mor Athanasius Yohan I Metropolitan Sisters of the Cross Sunday School Vocational Training Womens Fellowship

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