A community development program was organized by Believers Church Dhemaji Diocese on the 29th of July.
Seven poor families benefited from the gift distribution. The families received cows, goats, sewing machines and tin sheets. They acknowledged the concern and love Believers Church showed to them.
Krishna works in a printing press and he and his wife received a sewing machine. He said, “I have two children and I do not get money on a monthly basis, moreover the amount I earn is very less. I find it hard to manage my family and send my eldest child to school. My wife can stitch clothes, and so from now on she will stitch for the neighbors and help me to support our family.”
Sarat is daily laborer and he has three children. He received a goat and said, “I do not own land to cultivate crops and so it is very hard to earn money for my family. I am very glad to receive this goat which I never expected. Now I can rear the goat and hopefully it will help my family in many ways when it produces a kid.”
These are just a few examples of thousands of people who have received hope through Believers Church poverty alleviation project.
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