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10 Bold Directions – New Year Message from H. H. Dr. Samuel Theophilus Metropolitan
Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, one true God, now and forever. Amen. May the grace and mercies of our Lord Jesus Christ abound in and through us, bringing glory and honor to His holy name and to His Holy Church.
My dearly beloved, the Bishops, the Priests, and the Faithful of the Holy Church, I am attempting to share with you something that is very close to my heart as all of us are preparing to enter into yet another year—the year 2025. I have 10 specific points, and I have titled it “10 Bold Directions.” What I will do is not elaborate much but just share with you those points and then a couple of things that might give you an aid to think and understand and further ponder on those points, both individually and collectively as a community.
Point #1. So here is the first point. Love for discipline leads to life. Embrace discipline in spirituality and lifestyle. Discipline is liberating, and discipline brings peace. Work on areas such as your family, your children, your personal life, and the life of a parish, the community. Let go of bad habits, toxic relationships, wrong lifestyles, conversations, and relationships that are not helpful. Work on those things, as it is said in the Holy Scripture, the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 10, verse 17. It reads like this: “Heeding discipline leads to life, while ignoring corrections leads others astray.” And again, it is said in Chapter 12, verse 1: “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.”
Point #2. “A penny saved is a penny earned.” George Herbert, one of the greatest English poets and writers, made this statement. What does it simply mean? Learn to save money, even if it is just one coin. Learn to use your wealth wisely. Save at least one-tenth of everything you earn. Make it a priority to avoid debts and unnecessary loans. Be a skillful steward of your money and wealth.
Learning financial management is essential for individuals, families, and communities. As it is also stated in the Holy Scripture, the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 21, verse 20: “A wise man saves for the future, but the foolish man spends whatever he gets.”
Point #3. Formation begins at home. Work diligently on your formation—in character, in your family, in your children, in the holy faith and traditions of the Holy Church, in your love for God and the religious community, in obedience, in respecting and valuing your elders and leaders, and in refraining from evil talk and gossip that defile our lives.
Parents, may I ask you: what values and traditions are prominent in your household? In your family? Remember this: your children are absorbing and adopting everything they see in your home as their own. Therefore, introspect and make whatever changes are necessary. My advice is to do it sooner rather than later.
As it is written in the Holy Scriptures, in the Book of Proverbs 22:6:“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Point #4. Be the best version of yourself. Well, what does that mean? I want you to ask these questions: Am I always giving my best in everything I do? And that is not just one time—am I always consistent and progressive in my work, at home, at school, in college, at the office, and in my parish? Are you consistent and progressive, striving to be the best in maintaining unity, love, and harmony in your family and society? Are you other-centered in all that you think and do?
How is it in your family? In your village? As an individual? As a parish? Always remember, you are a reflection of God to other people. And so, never get stuck. Set unparalleled goals. Rise up and challenge yourself with higher, divine, and ambitious goals.
As it is said by the seers in the Holy Scripture, “You reap the result in an unexpected season of your life.” Not only in an unexpected season but also in multiple measures. As it is written in the Book of Colossians, Chapter 3, verse 23: “And whatever you do, do it wholeheartedly—not for people, but as unto God.”
Point #5. Be a servant. And to be a servant, it’s not easy. It takes a lot of courage. Think about it: to be great is to have a servant lifestyle, a servant attitude. Always be at the service of others. And when you serve, you create a revolution. You bring change, healing, and infuse hope in others. Think about great men of our history, like Mahatma Gandhi of the great land of India and William Booth, who was one of the greatest Christian missionaries of his time. They all stooped down to serve and brought revolution and hope to people. And being a servant is not about getting attention. It is not for people to praise you. It must be “you.” It must be the way of life.
Are you a parent? Are you a leader? Are you a priest? If so, serve your children. Be willing to serve even your subordinates at your workplace, at your office. Be a servant to the people of God, in the church, in the parish the Lord gave to you. Feed them, serve the poor, serve the needy, serve the lonely, serve the unwanted, serve the helpless. And when you and I become servants, we bring change, we bring revolution, we transfer and infuse hope in people. Our Lord Jesus Christ said in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 20, “Yet it shall not be so among you. But whoever desires to become great among you, let him be a servant. And whoever wants to be first among you, let him be your slave.” What a revolutionary thought. Very hard to live, but always work on that.
Point #6. Treat your body right. Do you take care of your health? Do you pay attention to your habits that impact your health? My advice to you is this: Be good to the body, the body that was gifted to you by God, and treat it right. The Holy Scripture says, “Our body is the temple, the sanctuary, the dwelling place of God Almighty.” It is written in the book of 1 Corinthians, Chapter 6, verses 19 and 20: “Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” I hope we will give all the attention and care in this area.
Point #7. Be available. Even for a small thing, I say picking up trash that is on the ground, giving a good smile to someone when you see them walking by, or when someone is sitting somewhere lonely, depressed, or dejected—be the one available. Give a pat. Give a smile. Say, “Can I help you?”
Would you please do this? Calculate the percentage of time we spent giving to God out of the 12 months in 2024, and then introspect. Was that enough? Is seeking the Lord such a low priority that we fail to do it at all? Can you share your skills to help others feel the love of God? Be the first to make yourself available to others—for prayer meetings, Sunday divine liturgy, and all the activities of your community, your campuses, and your parish. Help in maintaining and cleaning your buildings, your property, your land, and your office rooms. Visit someone who is sick, even go with your priest. Go and tell someone “Happy Birthday.” Congratulate someone and be the first to do so when someone succeeds. Accept everything in life as an opportunity. Seize it. Don’t look at it as lesser or higher. Everything in our life that comes by is a golden opportunity to demonstrate and be a help. And be available for that. It is said in the Holy Scripture, the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 6, verse 33, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and then everything else will be added to you.” And my meaning of “seek ye first the Kingdom of God” is this: All are God’s children. Everything you and I do and will do is helping God’s children, His own creatures. Then it also says in the book of Galatians, Chapter 6, verse 10, “So then as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone.” So, be available.
Point #8. Stand fast in the way of life. It simply means don’t give up. Be steadfast in the Holy faith, Holy traditions, the teachings and practices, and the way of life directed by the Holy Church. This will make you and me more like God, and consequently, you and I will become a small little “Jesus” for the people around. They don’t have to go searching here and there, asking, “Where is God?” You will become an answer by doing that. And I want to give you a caution and advice. Do not be confused by the many voices around you that contradict the Holy faith and the teaching your church has imparted to you. Stay always true to it, stick to the path laid down by your holy church. And it is said in the book of 2 Thessalonians, Chapter 2, verse 15: “Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle.”
Point #9 Pray without ceasing. A very common statement. Use that simple little prayer we call ‘The Jesus Prayer.’ What should you pray for? Well, I would say, pray for your country. Pray for the rulers, the elders, and the people that God has placed to rule our nation. Pray for the entire world. There is confusion, lack of peace, a lot of chaos, wars, and rumors of wars, financial crises, and natural calamities. The world needs your prayer. Pray for the world, pray for your village, pray for your street, pray for your neighbors. And of course, pray for your holy church, your bishops, fathers, your priests, and everyone. Pray for the sick and dying. When you go to a hospital, you can pray for them.
Keep using the Jesus Prayer for yourself and for all the needs I’ve mentioned. I once heard one of God’s greatest servants say that when someone asked him, ‘Sir, how long do you pray?’ his answer was, ‘Until I am satisfied.’ Never, ever, ever stop praying. Do it consistently for everything. As it is written in the Holy Scriptures, in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, which simply says, ‘Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,’ and continues, ‘Give thanks in everything.’
Point #10. A threefold cord is not quickly broken. What does that simply mean? Stay united. United as a family. United as a church. United as a religious community or parish where God has placed you and where you worship God. Reject with all firmness whatever does not help or aid in maintaining oneness and healthy relationships.
My precious children, unity leads to growth and development. Disunity leads to brokenness and destruction and brings chaos. Stay united with your leadership structure, the hierarchy. When we keep ourselves submitted and under that obedience, unity is maintained. My children, a lot of unity is required to remain unbroken and keep growing holistically.
And I quote this verse in the Book of Ephesians, Chapter 4, Verse 3, where Saint Paul, the greatest apostle ever, instructs, “Fight hard,” or, in other words, “Make every effort to maintain unity.” The Book of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 4, Verse 12, has a beautiful verse: “Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”
I have shared with you 10 points quickly, and my hope and prayer is that we will ponder upon them, meditate upon them, and try to do all that we need to do individually, collectively, and as a community in the new year to become the best. God is always desiring the best for all of us. May God’s grace, favor, mercy, and kindness in abounding measure be the portion of you, all of us, our country, our church, and me, the one who speaks to you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. +Amen.
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