On 15th August 2012, the Bridge of Hope (BOH) centers of Kolkata Diocese celebrated the 66th Independence Day with much enthusiasm. The programs started in the morning with rallies and flag-hoisting.
The BOH children enjoyed the day very much. The project centers held cultural programs to add to the festivity, and children performed dances, songs, skits and recitations to celebrate their nation. They also participated in a drawing competition.
On the same occasion, Bridge of Hope officially inaugurated eight more tailoring training units in different parts of West Bengal. Each unit will empower 25 women with the skills they need to break the cycle of poverty. They are truly finding freedom on this Independence Day.
“I thank the leadership for opening a tailoring center for us in Makarkole,” remarked the poor mother of a BOH student. “Soon our poverty is going to be transformed into prosperity.” The tailoring class will start functioning on 21st August, 2012. The 200 women who are enrolled in the units eagerly awaited the opening day. The BOH staff is thankful to Bishop Dr. Juria Bardhan, who inspired the opening of these tailoring units.
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