Believers Church Uttarakhand Minor Seminary students, staff and their family members celebrated Independence day on the 15th of August.
Rev.Fr. Abhishek hoisted the flag and in his speech said, “Let’s hold our hands together and build our nation. We are citizens of India and we need to stand for it.”
Following the flag hoisting, students and staff went to a government hospital to engage in social work. They cleaned the hospital premises, rooms, corridor, and toilet. They also removed cobwebs and mopped the entire hospital. The doctors, nurses and patients were glad to see the students working.
Dr. Josi said, “I am impressed by your commitment. These days people are so busy with their own work but you people are cleaning other’s garbage. It is really a great job. I appreciate your hard work.”
Believers Church involves itself in social work during special holidays like this to serve humanity.
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