Believers Church Patna Diocese celebrated Independence Day with enthusiasm and fervor on the 15th of August.
The national flag was hoisted by Bishop M.A. Lalachan. This was followed by patriotic songs which were sung by Bible college students. In his address, Bishop Lalachan said, “We are proud of our motherland, the patriots who sacrificed their lives, the incredible heritage, unique culture, unity in diversity and her significant contribution to global peace, harmony and brotherhood.” Quoting from the Bible, he said that freedom is not merely the absence of bondage, but it is the presence of God.
After the flag hoisting ceremony Bible college students, faculty members, leaders and diocesan Staff divided into three groups and went to three different locations for social awareness campaigns and cleaning.
One group of students went to a market. They removed grass, collected garbage and cleaned the streets and main road. Thirty other students went to an Ashram and served society by planting saplings and doing gardening work. Forty-five girls also contributed by cleaning, taking out garbage and sweeping a nearby colony.
Believers Church involves itself in the betterment of our society through social work conducted on special occasions like Independence Day.
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