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Lent Resources

Below we have a list of Lenten resources which are designed to assist you as you journey through this holy season.

Great Lent

This message shows how you can use the Season of Great Lent to grow closer to the Lord Jesus. Learn how to prepare yourselves to participate more fully in the joy of the great Paschal mystery.

Lent 2020 Daily Scripture Readings

A list of scripture readings for each day of the Lenten season. These readings are adapted from The Book of Common Prayer/CRI/Voice, Institute, 2020.

Download the PDF File

Great Lent 2020 Daily Reflections

A series of brief reflections, one for each day of Lent, to guide and inspire you on your Lenten journey. The meaningful meditations can deepen your experience of this solemn season of prayer and penance.
Enrich your Lenten Journey with a Thought a Day

Lent Daily Devotional

This lent daily devotional offers brief reflections and prayers for each day of lent as an aid to help you focus on Jesus and know and experience Him in a deeper, more intimate way.

Download the Daily Devotional Free (English)

The Seasons of Lent

What is Lent? Why does the church observe Lent? How do we benefit by adhering to the Lenten faith? Are there practical guidelines for observing Lent? Questions like these and many more, find their answers in this booklet.

Download Free:  English  |  Hindi

The Death of God

Why did the almighty creator God have to become a man? Why did God have to offer Himself as a sacrifice to save mankind? Why did God die? This book answers these tough questions while addressing the all-important question of how we, as humans, can live a life of freedom over sin and death.

Download Free (English)


Jesus Christ made seven remarkable statements during the hours He spent nailed to the cross. This book reflects on Jesus’ final words on the cross and the deep meaning they conveyed.

Download Free (Malayalam)

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