Believers Church Lucknow Diocese held an early awareness program in honor of the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Around 100 people gathered for the program on 22nd June 2013.
Dr. R.K. Singh (Prakash Nursing Home) taught about the ill effects of using drugs and alcohol. Rev. Akhilesh Madhur (CNI Presbytery In-charge, Sultanpur) reinforced the lesson, speaking about fatal health defects caused by the substances.
“I did not know about the problems of using gudka and alcohol,” said Babua, one of 14 people who decided to leave their addictions. “I was always feeling giddiness and stomach pain, and now I know the reason of my health issues.”
Babua’s wife Kiran rejoiced in this. “Today I am very happy because of my husband’s decision,” she said. “There was no peace in our family as he was a drunkard.” She looks forward to the changes in their home.
This awareness program is only one of many ways Believers Church is improving health and strengthening families in undeveloped communities.
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