2025-04-27 New Sunday New Sunday April 27 New Sunday The first Sunday after Easter, when the Church commemorates the appearance of Christ to St Thomas and the other disciples, where He showed them His wounds, thus dispelling the doubts of St Thomas.
2025-05-08 Memorial Day of Athanasius Yohan 1 Metropolitan Memorial Day of Athanasius Yohan 1 Metropolitan May 8 Memorial Day of Athanasius Yohan 1 Metropolitan Memorial day of reposed Metropolitan, Athanasius Yohan I of Blessed Memory.
2025-05-29 FEAST OF THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD FEAST OF THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD May 29 FEAST OF THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD The Feast commemorates the ascension of Jesus to heaven, 40 days after His resurrection.