This is the Wednesday of the Great & Holy Week where the Church remembers two events - The anointing of Christ with myrrh from a ‘sinful woman’ and the agreement made by Judas with the Jewish authorities to betray his Master. In the evening services of this day, the Sacrament of Holy Unction is usually
This is the Thursday of the Holy Week, where the Church commemorates the Mystery Supper of Christ, wherein He established the Sacrament of the Divine Eucharist to be observed forever in His remembrance.
This is the last day of the Holy Week and the end of the Lent season. The Church remembers this as the day when, as the mortal body of Christ lay in the tomb, His soul descended into Hades to plunder it and preach the Good News to its inhabitants.
The first Sunday after Easter, when the Church commemorates the appearance of Christ to St Thomas and the other disciples, where He showed them His wounds, thus dispelling the doubts of St Thomas.