The Archbishops, Bishops, Clergy, Sisters of the Cross and Faithful of the Believers Eastern Church world-wide.
Dear Beloved in Christ,
Grace and Peace to you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, One True God, Amen ✠
I write to you today with an important update regarding the administrative structure of our holy church.
In accordance with the constitution of our church, which has been approved by Metropolitan Athanasius Yohan I of blessed memory and ratified by The Holy Synod, a new system of administrative divisions was established to serve our faithful effectively and to ensure efficient governance. And in The Holy Synod held on June 21, 2024, it was decided to adhere to the same and bifurcate the whole ministry of the Church into eleven Archdioceses. Each Archdiocese will be under the spiritual and administrative leadership of a senior Bishop, who will be addressed as the Archbishop.
Why such a division?
Our church is spread far and wide across different regions, cultures, nations, and even continents. But we are all part of one body-the Believers Eastern Church. With such diversity, dividing into Archdioceses will help with efficient administration, improved pastoral care, enhanced communication, better regional representation, and improved resource allocation. This division will lead to strategic planning, consistency, and unity in the Holy Faith and tradition, as well as in our church’s ecclesiastical traditions, reflecting the church’s long-standing organizational structure and evolution over time.
For your convenience, we have compiled a detailed list indicating the Dioceses and Mission Provinces that fall under each Archdiocese, as well as the name of the respective Archbishop. This information should be passed on to all parishes for information, prayer, and full and wholehearted adherence.
I urge all members of the Clergy and the Faithful to familiarise themselves with the new structure and to reach out to their respective diocesan and archdiocesan leaders for any help or guidance.
Let us continue to work together in unity and faith, trusting in God’s guidance and wisdom as we embrace this new chapter in our church’s history. Always remember and apply this wonderful promise recorded in the epistle to Romans 8:28: “In all things, God works together for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
May the Holy Spirit inspire and strengthen us in all our endeavours, bringing glory to HIS glorious name for peace and building up HIS holy church.
Your Father in Christ,
✠ Moran Mor Samuel Theophilus Metropolitan
To read the Encyclical in other languages, click here: Hindi | Kokborok
Below is a detailed list of the archdioceses.
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