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Educating Children

Which one would you want a child to do ? Learn in a classroom or toil under a scorching sun.

Educating children for a brighter tomorrow

Unfortunately, education remains a distant dream for 168 million children around the world. Often forced into child labor, they are robbed of their childhood, health, and education, thus trapping them in a perpetual cycle of poverty. Our aim is to make quality education a reality for every child.

By providing education through hundreds of schools and centers, helping street children find homes, and providing much-needed food and healthcare, the future of tens of thousands of children is being forever altered.

  • ensuring quality education
  • improving nutrition
  • providing school supplies
  • bringing healthcare

Our Work

Through our child education centers, we are transforming the lives of 74,000 needy children by providing them with tutoring, holistic care and support, and the hope of a brighter tomorrow. We focus on four main areas:

Ensuring quality education

We help underprivileged children reach their full potential by tutoring them. This complements their formal schooling and enables them to integrate with and flourish in mainstream schools.

providing school supplies

The families of underprivileged children often can't afford basic school supplies such as uniforms, books, bags, and writing materials. We help them overcome this barrier.

bringing healthcare

Each year, millions of children die from preventable or easily treatable diseases. We provide essential medical aid to treat these preventable illnesses and save their lives. We also teach them healthy habits that can last a lifetime.

improving nutrition

Good nutrition is essential to a child's growth and health. However, in India alone, 48.2 million children are stunted due to malnutrition. We provide one nutritious meal a day to help reverse this malady.

street children the invisible & forgotten children of the world

Millions of children live on the streets without proper care or shelter. Forsaken and without food, they scavenge from garbage heaps or beg on the streets, often falling prey to traffickers, drug dealers, and crime syndicates.

homes of hope for street children

In conjunction with local authorities, we run two homes for children rescued from the streets and provide them with what they need most—food, safety, shelter, education, medical care, and love. Our homes help children recover from bitter experiences of exploitation, beggary, and torturous labor. Many children get reunited with their families.


schools for the future

From kindergarten through university, we help children excel in academics and grow in strength of character to fulfill their individual vocational callings and become successful global citizens. Our schools and institutes of higher education launch thousands of thriving students into the world's workforce by combining a strong classroom education with positive, principle-based values. Many of our students are first-generation graduates.

stories of change

  • Five Brothers Rescued From a Slum

    Fourteen-year-old Rajesh worked over 70 hours a week in a Motor Repair Shop near his home in a Delhi slum. It wasn’t enough. His younger...

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  • A Life Changed

    Aravind was a skinny seven-year-old with an eye problem triggered by malnutrition. His scarce meals consisted of roti made out of maize, potato curry and...

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