Believers Church Diocese of Mumbai initiated a drought relief campaign in Latur District, Maharashtra on 29th April 2016.
The people in Latur District used to get water from Manjara dam. But, the reservoir has completely dried up this year due to the lack of rainfall over the past four years. Now, people are struggling without water for even their most urgent needs and also from the increasing heat wave. Understanding the seriousness of the situation, the church has taken initiatives to provide water to these drought-hit villagers.
That day, Believers Church could send water tankers to four neediest villages. Very soon, the church will start providing water in 12 villages in Latur District on a regular basis. Also, the church will supply monthly rations to 1,000 of the neediest families in these villages through the local panchayat authorities.
“Every day, we had to walk many kilometers to get little water,” said one woman. “We are so happy to hear that the church is going to provide us water regularly. It will solve our biggest struggle. Thank you so much for this great help.”
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