As part of its drive to help widows and honor them, Believers Church Diocese of Kolkata held its third phase of gift distribution program on 6th July 2016. The program was organized in connection with International Widows Day.
On this occasion, the diocese distributed dry ration and a few basic necessary items of life to 125 widows who are helpless and neglected by their own families. Each widow received a kit containing a saree, an umbrella, 10 kg rice, 2 kg dal, soaps, oil and a snack pack.
The chief guests present at the event were Smt. Mamatabala Thakur (Member of Parliament), Smt. Bina Mandal (MLA), Smt. Sangeeta Kar (Village Head), Shri. Prabhash Singha (Village Head), Shri. Narayan Kar (Ex-Village Head) and Smt. Krishana Halder (Member of Village Committee). In their remarks, each guest appreciated the church for helping the poor.
The guests then presented the gift packages to the poor widows who received the kit with much joy and happiness. The widows also expressed their gratitude to the church for its concern towards them.
Pushparani Halder, a 60-year-old widow, said, “I’m thankful to you for this help. I won’t have to worry for the next one month about buying groceries as these gift items will be more than enough to meet my food needs”.
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