Believers Church Lucknow Diocese distributed gifts to the poor on 2nd February 2013 to alleviate their suffering. 200 families happily received bicycles, tricycles, trolley cycles, cycle rickshaws, blankets, sewing machines and goats.
Honorable Dr. Rajpal Kashyap (state minister of Matsya Vikas Nigam) attended the distribution as chief guest and was encouraged to see Believers Church’s work for the poor. “The church is not only reaching out to the needy ones,” the minister said, “but building the future of the young and old of this nation.”
Other special guests included Mr. Harishankar (village head), advocate Anurag Mishra (Vice President of Lucknow state association) and advocate Sunil Shukla.
Recipients expressed deep gratitude for the gifts they received.
“I am married and my husband is a handicapped man,” said Prema. “I have three kids and I go to pasture other people’s goats and sheep. I earn very less amount by pasturing. Now I am grateful to the church for providing me with a goat of my own. Now on I will take full care of this goat, it will multiply and thus I can run my family and give education to my kids.”
Hundreds of communities receive gifts like this from Believers Church each year.
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