Bridge of Hope’s General Conference began on 5th February 2013 at Believers Church Synod Secratariat. The conference welcomed over 100 regional Bridge of Hope leaders and it continued till 10th
The Women’s Fellowship department of Believers Church launched its Health Care Project on 16th January 2013. Former MLA Joseph M Puthussery attended the inauguration as special guest. Former MLA Joseph M Puthussery attended the inauguration as spec
Believers Church Theological Seminary staff and students did social work in the community to celebrate India’s Independence Day on 15th August 2007. A team of more than 130 students went to a railway station to clean the place and surroundings. The
On 15th August 2007, Believers Church Synod Secretariat hosted an Independence Day program which was attended by Synod Secretariat staff, Believers Church Theological Seminary students and faculty, Bridge of Hope children and young students from Beli
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