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Social Welfare Programs Held in Honor of Moran Mor Athanasius Yohan I Metropolitan’s Birthday

March 9, 2021

In honor of Moran Mor Athanasius Yohan I Metropolitan’s birthday Believers Eastern Church held a wide array of social welfare programs on 8 March 2021. As Metropolitan’s heart is always for the poor and the suffering, the church used this occasion to reach out to the poorest of the poor in the society, bringing them

Believers Eastern Church Dioceses Take to Streets to Feed the Hungry on World Food Day; Thousands Receive Free Meals

October 17, 2017

Joining the fight against hunger, Believers Eastern Church took to streets to feed the hungry and needy on World Food Day, 16th October 2017. In commemoration of this day, Believers Eastern Church distributed food to the beggars, homeless, orphans, widows, the elderly, the disabled and the children found on the streets and at railway stations.

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Believers Eastern Church Bishop Dr. Samuel Mathew Bishop Dr.Simon John Blankets and hygiene items Custom-Made Shoes Diocese of Raipur Food Distribution Founder's Day Medical Camp Moran Mor Athanasius Yohan I Metropolitan Sanitation Social Welfare World Food Day World Leprosy Day

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