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Mother’s Day: Women’s Fellowship Teams Hold Special Programs to Honor Mothers

May 9, 2022

In celebration of Mother’s Day, Women’s Fellowship teams in Believers Eastern Church Archdiocese of Delhi organized special programs at 6 different places on 8 May 2022. Special gifts were distributed to mothers as a show of appreciation for all the work they do. The Diocesan Women’s Fellowship team held a program to appreciate the mothers

Diocese of Delhi Starts New Adult Literacy Centers on International Literacy Day

September 13, 2021

On 8 September 2021, on the occasion of International Literacy Day, Women’s Fellowship teams in Believers Eastern Church Diocese of Delhi took the initiative to start new adult literacy centers at three places. Altogether, 18 illiterate women have enrolled for the adult literacy classes. The women’s fellowship teams provided the women with literacy books, writing

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Adult Literacy Bishop Dr. Juria Bardhan Bishop Dr.Simon John Hope for Children International Literacy Day Literacy Program Medical Awareness Republic Day Sisters of the Cross Social Welfare Vocational Training Womens Fellowship World Food Day

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