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Repentance that Leads to Reconciliation

We as part of the Holy Church have just entered into the Season of Great Lent this year. It’s going to be a journey of 50 days till April 9 …

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Spiritual Disciplines – Prayer

We are in the second week of Great Lent and this week we will learn about spiritual disciplines. The church gives us a threefold path of prayer, fasting and …

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Spiritual Disciplines – Fasting

We are in the third week of Great Lent and this week we will look at fasting, why it is important and how we can practice the discipline of fasting in our…

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Ten Amazing Facts About Christian Icons

Icons are a unique way to visually teach doctrine, faith and spiritual practices. They have been used since the early days of the Church and …

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Christian Theological Architecture

In our Christian walk, everything we do is, and should be, about worshiping Christ. When it come to the building in which we worship the Lord, it’s no different….

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The Message of Christmas

I read about a Christmas program arranged by a church that included a manger scene did by their Sunday school children. The smallest character in the whole manger scene was a…

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What Christmas is All About?

‘Inside the Actors Studio’ is an American talk show, an award-winning series which was first started by James Lipton, who was the host who used to invite different…

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St. Joseph’s Role in Salvation Story

I read about a Christmas program that was arranged in a church. The Sunday School children were recruited to play different characters in this Christmas kit. That particular…

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Emmanuel, God With Us

Two American missionaries were invited by Russian Department of Education to teach morals and ethics in an orphanage. This orphanage has hundred boys and…

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What Can We Learn From St. Joseph?

The Bible says Saint Joseph was a just man. Just means as a law-abiding citizen he could have reported about Mary’s pregnancy to the Jewish authorities, and she could…

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Ash Wednesday

For those who have watched the movie “Shadowlands,” you’ve watched a story play out that applies to us as we enter the season of Great Lent. The movie tells…

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The Season of Great Lent

The liturgical year of the Church is populated with feasts and fasts. While the Feasts are many and are considered as times of celebration and…

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MERCY – A Simple Understanding of the Eucharist – Part 1

I’m sure you’ve heard of this phrase ‘hocus-pocus’. What comes to your mind when you hear that word? In my mind, I’m taken back to…

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MERCY – A Simple Understanding of the Eucharist – Part 2

The first letter in M E R C Y – the acronym for remembering what happens during Eucharist is M and it stands for…

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MERCY – A Simple Understanding of the Eucharist – Part 3

The second letter in M E R C Y, the acronym for remembering what happens during the Eucharist is E and it stands for… 

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MERCY – A Simple Understanding of the Eucharist – Part 4

Once a minister of a protestant megachurch stood up to introduce the special guest who would be bringing the ‘word of God’ that Sunday. Just before the…

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MERCY – A Simple Understanding of the Eucharist – Part 5

On the 18th of December 2020, Buddha Air took off from Kathmandu Airport with 70 passengers destined for Janakpur, a city in southeast of Nepal….

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When Calculations Go Wrong

Truth be told – we all like to be in control; and we hate it when our calculations go wrong. And I don’t mean the literal…  

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The Gift of Pain

A doctor was walking down the corridors of a hospital when he saw a small crowd. He stopped to enquire. The main office door wasn’t…

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A Colorless to a Colorful Life

DEPRESSION – just to hear that word is depressing! Everyone – movie stars, sports icons and even religious people seem to be talking about… 

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Dirty Hands, Deceptive Hearts and the Daring Woman

Have you heard about the VDP’s? No, not the VIP’s – the Very Important People, but the Very Draining people – the VDP’s? Spent half an hour…

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You Raise Me Up!

Most of us would not have heard about Rolf Lovland or Brendan Graham. It’s even more unlikely that we know that the song they composed together was…

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Kyrie Eleison

What does the phrase ‘Kyrie Eleison’ really mean? And why do churches (like which I am part of) prefer to use (multiple times during Divine Liturgy) this Greek phrase…

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Christ’s Descent into Hades

The terms “Hell” and “Hades” are often used interchangeably by English translators. This unfortunate tendency is a product of Western…

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Theotokos: Mary the Mother of God

How can God have a mother?! The question is a sincere one. While this question comes from a simple misunderstanding of the meaning of the word…

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Icon of the Dormition of the Theotokos

It is clear from the Holy Scriptures and Christian tradition that Mary, the Theotokos, was highly favoured by God (St Luke 1:28) and held in high regard by…

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The Feasts that Begin the Liturgical Year

The first Sunday which begins the new liturgical year is known in Syriac as ‘Koodosh Eetho’ (Sanctification of the Church) and the following Sunday is known as…

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Feast of St. Athanasius the Great

On May 2, we celebrate the feast day of St. Athanasius the Great who was the 20th Patriarch of Alexandria, Egypt. This Church Father was…

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The Icon of the Transfiguration

The Icon of transfiguration depicts the event of Christ taking the Divine form before the Apostles Peter, James and John on a mountain which is identified as…

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The icon of the feast of Pentecost is also called the Descent of the Holy Spirit as it is the representation of the event described in the Book of…

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The Nativity Fast

What is it? The Nativity Fast (just like the Great Lent) is a time of preparation, during which we focus on the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour, by…

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The Fast of the Holy Apostles

The liturgical cycle of the Church is marked with both fasts and feasts, in order to ensure that a major portion of our days and time is…

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