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Believers Youth (BY) is the youth wing of our Church. It comprises all the Youth Fellowships of our parishes, each of which provide an opportunity for young people to come together, nurture their faith, and live out the Gospel through service and love. From Bible study and prayer to community outreaches, our young people are encouraged in their common faith and bonded by their love for one another.

The dynamic youngsters of the Believers Eastern Church are the powerhouse of the “Believers Youth” movement. The BY movement does everything possible through a complex network of dioceses and parishes to empower these young lives to grow in their faith and find their purpose and calling in the Kingdom of God through authentic community, faith-culture and spiritual practices.

Through our journey we learn to love everyone as Jesus Christ our Lord did. Believers Youth embrace friendships and association with young people regardless of their denomination, religion, colour or other differences. We are a movement that provides a platform for anyone to feel belonged to.


To serve the Holy Church and helping young people everywhere ‘to become by grace, what Christ is by nature.’


1. Devotion

Devotion is a vital part of the Believers Youth Movement. We believe that genuine devotion towards the Triune God begins when we begin to respond to His love through a daily walk with God that is enhanced by meditating on the scriptures, combined with never-ceasing prayer life. We know from the witness of the Church fathers that a life thirsting after Jesus Christ our Lord will surely reflect His attributes.

2. The Church

The holy Church is the body of Jesus Christ our Lord. The Believers Youth movement serves the holy church and is an integral part of the Believers Eastern Church. We believe that it is in the Church and her sacraments, her faith and traditions, that contributes to the transformation of an individual into the likeness of Jesus Christ our Lord.

3. Life

Life comprises of everything an individual is exposed to in this world. Believers Youth focuses on the holistic development of an individual so that he/she can face the world with confidence and courage. This includes education, personality development, vocational exploration, enhancing skills, talents, etc.

4. Fellowship

Fellowships are a great tool to create friendships and a sense of belonging. The BY gatherings create a platform for enabling community, so that all members can be there for each other in all aspects of life. This is possible through weekly fellowships, Group Bible study and other activities that promote unity and love among each other.

5. Witness

Believers Youth believes that the purpose of our lives is to be like Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore, we strive to live according to this, and along this beautiful journey of life, we seek to bless all we meet with all possible means to share the warmth of Christ our Lord to them.

6. Humanity

We are called out by Christ to do good works, to be the salt and light wherever we are. We want to emulate the heart of our Lord that is moved with compassion for the isolated, poor, widows, voiceless etc. We strive hard to be alongside the suffering humanity in all possible ways to uplift them from their helpless state.

upcoming event

Believers Youth Festival

09-13 October, 2024


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