Metropolitan Dr. K.P. Yohannan ordained 25 men as clergy of Believers Church on 8th August; they represented six dioceses—Bengaluru, Bilaspur, Chandigarh, Gujarat, Nagpur and Udaipur. Each of the newly ordained clergy has faithfully served with the church for the last six to 20 years.
The Metropolitan spoke to the gathering about the soberness of the event. “I am grateful that God has raised up precious brothers like you to be shepherds in His church,” he told the clergy. He challenged them to embrace suffering for the sake of those they serve, just as Christ did.
Laying hands on the men, he blessed them and ordained them for service. Each clergyman was presented with a stole and a Bible representing their charge to serve people and nourish them with the Word of God.
Part of Believers Church’s mission is to “instruct and equip the body.” The newly ordained clergy will help fulfill this goal as they return to their own dioceses.
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